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The Board of the Hindu Cultural Centre would like to request the members of our Community to sponsor a Preethi Bhoj in the Mandir, one Sunday out of the 52 weeks. Preethi Bhoj is an integral part of the Sunday Services. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, a simple meal would be sufficient. Many of you have taken turns over the years to come and cook in the Mandir. Many of you have also expressed that in spite of being run off your feet, it was quite a rewarding experience of camaraderie and new friendships. Preethi bhoj sponsorsip could be done by one family or a group of families. If you would like to sponsor, please write to hcclondon62@gmail.com and we will guide you with the procedures. Try it once…..

To promote and preserve the Hindu religious and cultural heritage and to strive for inter-religious harmony, understanding, and universal brotherhood among Canadians of all ethnic groups and persuasions.